
Who we are?

FINEP HOLDING SE, with registered address at Havlíčkova 1030/1, Nové Město, 110 00, Praha 1, Company ID 279 27 822, registered with the Municipal Court of Prague, file ref. no. H 7 and WELHAM a.s., with registered address at Havlíčkova 1030/1, Nové Město, 110 00, Praha 1, Company ID 270 79 601, registered with the Municipal Court of Prague, file ref. no. 8559 B.

We are FINEP group.

Our contact details:


On this website we operate with cookies. For more details please see this document.


What are cookies?

Cookies are text files that our website sends to the browser of your device which you use for browsing through our website (for example phone, tablet, computer, etc.). They allow us to recognize you and customize our website accordingly, analyse your behaviours, display certain content, etc. For more information about inpidual cookies please see below.


What types of cookies do we use?

  • Technical, functional - these are necessary for us to display the website and so that it works as intended, and so that we know that you have (or have not) given us your consent to the processing of cookies, etc.
  • Analytical - these help us to analyse how the website works in terms of visitor behaviour and to adapt and change the website accordingly.
  • Marketing - thanks to these cookies, we or third parties can customize the offer of our services after your visit. The offer can then be also displayed outside of our website.

You will find specific cookies and more detailed information about them in the table at the end of this document.


On what basis do we process cookies?

We can work with technical and functional cookies on the basis of legal regulations. Without them, we would not be able to provide you with our services safely and correctly.

We may process analytical and marketing cookies based on your consent. You can disable the processing by refusing to give us your consent, by the respective setting of your browser, using the cookie bar settings, or browsing in incognito mode.


How to disable using of cookies?

The easiest way to prevent using cookies is through your browser settings. You can find more about inpidual browsers and deleting/disabling cookies here:

We would like to add that the settings need to be made for each of your devices (phone, tablet or computer) separately. 


Who processes cookies for us?

  • The provider of Google Analytics, Ads and Doubleclick services – the company Google Ireland Ltd. with a registered address at Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland, in compliance with their conditions – please see here.
  • The provider of Facebook services operated by the company Facebook Ltd. with a registered address at 4 Grand canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland, in compliance with their conditions – please see here.
  • The provider of Sklik services – the company, a.s. with registered address Radlická 3294/10, 150 00 Praha 5 – Smíchov, in compliance with their conditions – please see here.
  • The provider of Smartsupp services - the company, s.r.o. with registered address Šumavská 31, 602 00 Brno, in compliance with their conditions - please see here.


We would also like to mention:

Even a third party may also work with your cookies, if you give us your consent. For the list of the third parties please see below.

Personal data processing takes place within the territory of the European Union. If processing also takes place outside the EU, then it must be in compliance with the relevant legislation (exceptions must be approved by the European Union) or after meeting other data security requirements for example in the case of Google or Facebook.

We do not have a designated data protection officer. 

When processing personal data, you have the right to contact us and require information about what personal data we process, request access to your personal data kept by us, have it updated or corrected, or request processing restrictions; in certain cases, you may request a copy of the personal data processed, request deletion of your data, or exercise the right to data portability according to the GDPR Regulation (Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU No. 2016/679). If you think that we are not handling your personal data correctly, you can file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection or take legal actions to enforce your claims through the court.


Overview of cookies used only by FINEP group

NameTypeExpirationHow does it work (purpose)
PHPSESSIDTechnicalWhen the browser is closedNecessary cookies identify the user's visits to the website and maintain a link between the individual pages visited.
cookies_configTechnical180 daysNecessary cookies contain information about which categories of cookies you have given us consent to.
top_info_close_xxxxxxxxTechnicalWhen the browser is closedIt contains information that the user has closed the information bar and does not want to display it anymore on the next page. There can be more bars and therefore also more cookies; xxxxxxxx is the designation of a specific information bar.
stats_idAnalytical300 daysContains user identification for analysing the user’s traffic and behaviour on the website. We can further improve the website thanks to the information gathered in this way.
stats_bufferAnalyticalWhen the browser is closedThis cookie temporarily collects data to analyse a user’s traffic and behaviour before sending the data for processing.



Overview of cookies used by FINEP group and third parties

NameTypeThird partyExpirationHow does it work (purpose)
_gaMarketing, analyticalGoogle Marketing Platform2 yearsVisitor ID
_gidMarketing, analyticalGoogle Marketing Platform24 hoursVisitor ID
_dc_gtm_Marketing, analyticalGoogle Marketing Platform1 minuteThrottle request rate
_gac_Marketing, analyticalGoogle Marketing Platform90 daysCampaign related information
_ga_ Marketing, analyticalGoogle Marketing Platform2 yearsSession related information
_gcl_auMarketing, analyticalGoogle Marketing Platform90 daysConversion related information
test_cookieMarketingGoogle DoubleClick15 minutesTests if cookies are allowed
IDEMarketingGoogle DoubleClick2 yearsPersonalization of ads displayed to users based on previous visits to our website
RULMarketingGoogle DoubleClick1 yearTests if the ad was displayed correctly on the website
_fbpMarketingFacebook90 daysInformation about visits across the websites
sidMarketingSeznam.czWhen the browser is closedAds personalization
APNUIDMarketingSeznam.cz30 daysAds personalization
KADUSERCOOKIEMarketingSeznam.czWhen the browser is closedAds personalization
ssupp.vidAnalyticalSmartsupp6 monthsVisitor ID
ssupp.visitsAnalyticalSmartsupp6 monthsNumber of visits
SL_C_23361dd035530_KEYAnalyticalSmartsupp2 yearsProject key
SL_C_23361dd035530_SIDAnalyticalSmartsupp2 yearsActual session ID
SL_C_23361dd035530_VIDAnalyticalSmartsupp2 yearsVisitor ID



Do you want to change your consent?

Click here